"Wikinomics" is the art and science of peer production. That means that through collaboration it is possible to find new things. Mass collaboration is used to change everything, finding the best method to work in order to look for soluctions for a specific problem or for improving undesrtanding and development of a specific issue using wikis.
The term wikinomiks initially refers to the effects of extensive collaboration and on the marketplace and corporate world. As wikinomics is based on the cooperation to improve a given operation or solve a problem it is necessary to be connected and also to develop a social networking where there is a circulation of knowledge, power, and capital (Tapscott & Williams, 2008) by using a "computer, a network connection, and a bright spark of initiative and creativity".
Openness: includes not only open standards and content but also financial transparency and an open attitude towards external ideas and resources.
Peering: This aspect replaces hierarchical models with a more collaborative forum where everybody can contribute with their thoughts and ideas about what they have learnt.
Sharing: Give to other the opportunity to learn form our own knowledge, which is a less proprietary approach to products, intellectual property, bandwidth, scientific knowledge.
Acting Globally: this aspect involves embracing globalization and ignoring physical and geographical boundaries at both the corporate and individual level.
One of the principal features of wikinomics is mass collaboration, in that way students and teachers can be involved in a constant "giving and taking" information task that require a permanent connection among different members of a community. Some other educational implications to be considered are:
1. Connect students in a networked society.
2. Wide input into strategies and operations.
3. Harness collective intelligence of a nation or a community.
4. Foster social networks.
5. Allow online brainstorming to better understanding of an issue and also to find the best method to solve a problem.
Tapscott, D. & Williams, A. (2008). Wikinomics, Portofolio.
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