Collaborative learning
- Learn together
- Knowledge can be created
- Members actively interact sharing
experiences and assuming roles
- Engage Learners in a common task
- Work together searching for
understanding, meanings or solutions.
Transformative Learning
- Learning is a process that generates changes: psychological, convictional, behavioral.
- Critical awareness is developed.
- Expansion of conciousness and critical analysis take place.
Collaborative learning is a method that should be implemented by all the teachers since it allows enhancing of students’ performance given that they are working together in small groups toward a common goal/objective. Then students are independent and responsible of their own learning process and become interdependent and responsible of other’s learning by giving relevant ideas. The process of collaborative learning helps to develop a high level of thinking skills, and foster interaction and familiarity among students and teachers, besides students can remember easily what they discuss, which is part of a training that helps them to realize about what they are learning and feel satisfaction with their learning experience increasing their self – esteem too.
Transformative learning, on the other hand, is a kind of education that involves experiences, thoughts and feelings that are the results of learners’ actions. Transformative learning is the way to help learners to realize that they can live meaningfully by contributing ideas and actions to foster social transformation.
Pallof, R. & Pratt, K. (2007). Building Online Learning Communities, Wiley, Chapter 9.
Succes. gif. Image retrieved from http://pdginnovates.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/success.jpg
logo.gif. Image Retrieved from http://www.poweryourlearning.co.uk/images/logo.jpg
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