Grown Up Digital How the Net Generation in Changing Your World By Don Tapscott (2009) is an interesting text in which we can find explanations about the different stages of technological advances.
Reading that book some ideas came to mi mind:
- Net Generation is changing our world opening new perspectives about the information management, communication is faster but less personal.
- Computers and internet are tools of learning and it is a must learn about them.
Possitive assumptions about the Net Generation:
- We can use complex technologies as a tool of communication.
- We can top into a world of knowledge.
- Good use of technology allows learning.
- Communication is faster, effecive but not always accurate.
Negative Assumptions:
- Less personalized ways of learn, play or communicate.
- Young people is dumber, they do nor read and are poor communicators.
- As people do not read they have low academic level.
- NO Social skills.
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