Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Informal Learning


In Formal Learning there is a High level of instruction and events imposed by others. the learning process is given in classroom classes, and directed conferences.

In Infromal learning people can learn from others by finding their own path and trying by themselves. The Learning is social and environmental because of that Informal learning is very important, due to the fact that it is the way in which people can share knowledge and also can learn from the different experiences, in tha way their performance is much better to face the ever-changing world given that they are prepared to assume roles and take risks, they are also ready to learn from erros by trying again and againg.

Sometimes the informal learning is hidden because education is shown as an institutionla issue, and the school could lose credibility and participants if they realize that they can have further learning by discovering themselves the nature of the things and the actions, due to the fact that "people is natural lifelong learners" (Cross, 2003). Besides in our country the system of education is organized according to Governmental conveniences.

Informal learning is associated with the next concepts:

Active learning
Community - based (Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory)
Good Connections
Lifelong Learning
Self - directed learning
Trial and Error

Informal and Formal learning can be supported each other, because not all the learners are ready to face their path by finding by themselves the resources, so with formal learning, learners can be guided to find the purposes of learning, and with informal learning, students can explore and aply what they are learning from other's instruction.


Cross, Jay (2003) Informal Learning – the other 80%. Retrieved from
http://www.internettime.com/Learning/The%20Other%2080%25.htm [Available as
an E-resource]

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