Monday, February 15, 2010

My expectations

I am really happy to be in this new course – New Learning Environment – which represents for me a very big challenge. It is too exciting to know that I will learn more things that contribute to my personal and professional improvement. I consider interesting this course because it involves too important aspects and really meaningful topics for educational context.

My experience with technology is very poor, and because of that I want to become more confident with that in order to implement more tools in my teaching experience. Taking into account that create New Learning Environments for children is very important for them to learn better, and that the responsibility of that is mine as the teacher, I have the next expectations for this course:

I hope to learn how to create different learning environments to apply in my teaching learning practice, involving in the practice learning interests and styles.
I want to know tools that help me to implement new learning strategies not only face to face but also virtual.
I really want to learn how to foster autonomy in preschoolers using new technological tools.
Finally, I hope to do my best!!!

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